We hope that you have been keeping safe and well during the time in Alert Level 4. As you are aware, we will be moving into Alert Level 3 on Tuesday the 28th of April. At this stage, we are awaiting guidance from the Dental Council of New Zealand (DCNZ) to determine if we are able to resume work, and in what capacity.
If you have an appointment scheduled in April or May, please be informed that your appointment has been cancelled. We will be in touch with you to make a new time once we have further information from the DCNZ. DCNZ governs all our actions and we must abide by their directives. While we appreciate this may be frustrating for you, we are unable to do anything outside of their directives as this is mandated by law.
When we do resume working, there will be some changes in the way we operate while we are in a state of emergency nationwide. The details will be confirmed once we have further guidance from DCNZ.
In the meantime, please get in touch via email, phone or text if you have any questions or concerns. Wishing you and your family safety and health during these unprecedented times.
Ph: (09) 391 6455
Text: (022) 194 4945
Email: hello@milkorthodontics.co.nz